Personal Pronouns

What does this mean?

At Hedley May we all have the choice to include our personal pronouns with our email signatures. Let us explain why this is important to us.

Hedley May represents clients and candidates from different backgrounds, cultures and communities. We are committed to supporting our clients in building and retaining a diverse workforce. That commitment begins with us. We value a diverse and inclusive world in which all people are respected and valued.

By volunteering our personal pronouns we are signifying that we make no assumptions of gender identity and we are aiming to create a safe place for everyone, including trans and non-binary people, to affirm their own identities. We hope to play our part in creating an environment of Belonging for all. We are open, so that you can be open too.

We also strive to keep learning and welcome your questions and thoughts regarding Inclusion, Diversity and Belonging. Feel free to ask us more.